Friday, February 25, 2011

Planning....... Part 1

;)Good evening everyone! Did you have a snow day like we did? It was filled with games, playing and movies for the kids and desk cleaning, organizing and planning for Mama. (although I did take a break to watch "Lord of the Beans" with Teddy Bear and Wheels!)
I can't seem to wrap my head around the idea that we are coming to the close of February. I know it's a short month, but it seemed to really fly by for me.

For our family, March starts with Wheels' birthday. That means a family and a friends party, plus a cake for church, not to mention a snack for school! I'm also working at the kids' school next week, which, adding in travel time, is about 2 and 1/2 hours out of the middle of my day. I'm not complaining, mind you, but it's been interesting trying to juggle house work, church commitments, etc. I really don't know how moms that work full-time do it!

In the midst of the usual to do lists, I'm trying to plan our veggie garden, spring cleaning, the Lenten season, Wheels and Princess' birthdays, prepare for maple sugaring and a dozen other organizing projects! I don't mean to sound as if I'm whining, I'm just trying to relate the fact that I understand the business of our lives. And I am currently working on ways to keep it all from taking over my life (and desk!) I am also hoping to give a few pointers to some of my readers.

In the picture above is my 2011 monthly/weekly planner, a printout of the March Monthly Activity Calendar from Enchanted Learning, and my newest binder for gardening, bird feeding and other outdoor information.

My planner is, well a planner! It has a full month calendar as well as a section for each week. At first I really only used the monthly calendar, but now I am using the weekly section more, as each day has 2 lines for every hour from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is very handy because some days I really do need to plan out every hour of the day! This gets carried in my purse when
I'm on the go and stays out on my desk or kitchen counter when I'm home. It has appointments, birthdays, work schedules, and holidays. For notes and reminders I use Post-Its so I don't have scribbles all over the place. I've been using the heart shaped ones!

The March Monthly Activity calendar is from the Enchanted Learning site. This is a great site if you have kids or teach. It does cost, but at only $20 for a year, it's well worth it. The monthly activity calendar is really neat, It tells you about something interesting for just about every day and if you look at it on-line, you can click on activities for that day. We're looking forward to International Polar Bear Day on Feb. 27. I know what you're thinking, "Like i need more to do? But if you choose some that have meaning for you and your family, you can build great traditions and memories.

Lastly is my gardening/outside binder. If you've read my blog before, you know that I have a house keeping notebook. I seem to have gone a bit notebook/binder crazy since then! I have a binder for our finances, a Holiday Planner, and spiral bound notebooks too numerous to name (I've prettied them up with scrap booking paper and stickers, of course!). For my gardening/outside binder, I'm going to put notes, info I find, garden lay-out plans and store seed packets. I've bought my seed-starting green house flats and most of my seeds already! As this is the first year that we're really starting things inside, I want to make sure to take notes so we can learn for next year. I also would like to keep track of some of the visitors we get at the bird feeders and such.

Well, it's getting late and my fingers are cramping! I'll do my best to get back soon to share some more of my ideas about the Lenten season, children's birthday parties and some more notebook/planner ideas. until then.....


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